Social Emotional Learning » Social Emotional Learning

Social Emotional Learning

Supporting Our Students
At P.S. 307 we believe and practice the methods of teaching the whole child. What does that mean? Building students' reading, writing, and math abilities are essential for their education, however, at the core of their learning is their social-emotional development.  Research shows that promoting social and emotional skills leads to reduced violence and aggression among children, higher academic achievement, and an improved ability to function in schools and in the workplace. Students who demonstrate respect for others and practice positive interactions, and whose respectful attitudes and productive communication skills are acknowledged and rewarded, are more likely to continue to demonstrate such behavior. Students who feel secure and respected can better apply themselves to learning. Students who are encouraged to practice the Golden Rule find it easier to thrive in educational environments and in the wider world.
In social-emotional learning (SEL), educators (and other students) coach children in conflict resolution and model how to negotiate, how to discuss differences in opinion without resorting to personal attacks, and how to accept others when their attitudes, beliefs, and values differ from one's own. SEL strives to educate children about the effects of harassment and bullying based on social standing, ethnic origin, or sexual orientation.
Teachers must lay the groundwork for successful SEL by establishing an environment of trust and respect in the classroom. Empathy is key. Before children can be expected to unite to achieve academic goals, they must be taught how to work together, and so it provides them with strategies and tools for cooperative learning.
Such learning, successfully incorporated into project learning and other teaching styles is easily integrated into all subject areas. It also contributes to a productive classroom environment where students feel they can learn without concern for their emotional welfare. 
SEL Curriculums
 Connected and Respected (Resolving Conflict Creatively program)
The Resolving Conflict Creatively Program includes sequenced, skill-building, classroom lessons (all titled Connected and Respected) designed to foster the creation of caring, peaceable school learning communities. Lessons emphasize building relationships, understanding feelings, developing empathy, managing emotions, and developing social responsibility.  
Mind Up - Brain Focused Strategies for Learning and Living
The MindUp curriculum is designed to enhance students’ self-awareness, focus attention, promote self-regulation, and reduce stress. Each lesson provides an explanation of how the content and objective of the lesson is supported by brain research. The lessons also include a “getting ready” activity, a MindUp warm-up, and detailed instructions to engage students and support their exploration and reflection on the topic.  
Monthly Community Meetings
To further develop the PBIS at PS 307 monthly community meetings are held to introduce SEL themes. It is believed the community meetings foster increased integration and collaboration amongst our students and classroom staff, and increase opportunities to display how we are learning and applying our social-emotional growth. Examples of themes include Building Community; Respecting Ourselves and Others; Sharing Similarities and Celebrating Differences, etc. 
   PS 307 Star Store
 At PS 307 all school staff must be teaching our students how to turn into a “STAR”. 
S = Self Control
T = Try Hard
A = Achieve
R = Respect
 STAR rules have been created for different parts of our school community (classroom, lunchroom, auditorium, recess, etc.). It is expected we are to teach our students how to engage in appropriate forms of responding across school settings. In line with following the principle of positive reinforcement students who are displaying “STAR” behavior are to be given “Starbucks” from school staff. This is also an opportunity for some students who are on more individualized plans to receive “Starbucks” for follow through with daily or weekly behavior contracts, token systems, etc.
The PS 307 STAR Upstanders
Students’ most effective teachers are often their peers. Therefore, several positions are available for 3rd through 5th-grade students to help their peers as well as support school staff within the school community. This also instills a sense of responsibility to many of our students and allows them to use their leadership skills in a constructive way.